What are Air Source Heat Pumps ?

What are Air Source Heat Pumps?

An Air Source Heat Pump is a heating system which transfers heat from the outside air into water, which heats your rooms via radiators or other heating measures. They work in the opposite way as an air conditioner, using what is known as K gas to extract warmth from the air (even down to temperatures as low as -15°C), transfer that into a liquid which is then fed into the property to provide not only heating, but [if required] hot water as well.

Air Source Heat Pumps are thought to be the future of heating for domestic properties, due to their renewable technology.

How much do they cost?

An Air Source Heat Pump installation can cost thousands. However, if you are eligible for ECO 4 funding you are not charged for any purchasing or installation costs for an Air Source Heat Pump.


  • Most gas combi boilers work on a 1:1 ratio, which means that for every kilowatt of gas energy in, you get a kilowatt of heat energy out. Air source heat pumps usually operate at an average ratio of 1:3 – which is efficient!
  • Air Source Heat Pumps provide heating, but they can also provide hot water as well. This is done via the installation of a modern, insulated cylinder which indirectly heats the water from the water store then distributes it to rooms as required.
  • Work in extremely low temperatures – up to -15°C!
  • Air Source Heat Pump systems help you to reduce your energy bills significantly.

Why do I need Air Source Heat Pumps?

With the current cost of living crisis disrupting the nation and cooler winter nights fast approaching people throughout the UK are looking for ways to keep their homes well insulated whilst keeping costs down. However, not many people know that you can now apply to have Air Source Heat Pumps installed to your home for free via the ECO 4 grant. This grant has been set up by the Government with the aim to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions, number of households in fuel poverty and is available to people in low income, fuel poor or vulnerable households.

How can we help?

There are many factors to consider before fitting any Heating Source to your home, which is why at Eco Home Insulation we send our trusted surveyors out to your home before any measures are installed. We will advise on the best measures for your home and talk you through the process before any installation begins.

Our role involves:

  • Checking your eligibility for funding.
  • Sending our trusted surveyors out to your home to see what measures are required.
  • Accessing the funding from the Government for these measures on your behalf.
  • Installing the necessary insulation or heating systems.
  • Helping with any maintenance needed after.

If you have any questions on the types of services discussed in this letter or want to know whether you qualify for funding, please contact us today and one of our team would be happy to talk you through your options.

For any questions or queries on our services or grants please call 0333 444 1062.

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