To access replacement boiler funding there are 2 separate routes:
One is the dual measure route, and one is standalone funding. In short, what this means is as follows.
Check EligibilityTo access replacement boiler funding there are 2 separate routes:
One is the dual measure route, and one is standalone funding. In short, what this means is as follows.
Check EligibilityDUAL MEASURE is when a boiler (secondary measure) is installed after/along with an insulation measure (primary measure).
This could take the form of any insulation offered under the ECO scheme as detailed above – with the express exception of loft insulation.
Generally, for properties heated by mains gas, the primary insulation measure tends to take the form of either floor insulation or cavity wall insulation – but not exclusively. IWI, RIRI and even FRI can be used as the primary measure also.
STANDALONE MEASURES are where a boiler is upgraded to a more energy efficient boiler but without the installation of a primary insulation measure. This level of funding is calculated differently and as such, doesn’t usually equate to a fully funded install.
However, you will get a considerable proportion of the install covered via the ECO scheme and will likely only have to contribute between 20% – 40% towards costs – making a sizeable saving compared to funding it direct.