Keeping the UK warm, one blog at a time...

Follow our journey and stay up to date with all things ECO. We will share projects were working on, tips to keep your energy bills down and keep you informed on all the latest energy news. Share your thoughts, opinions and experiences in the comment sections. We look forward to hearing your opinions!

Insulate to save!

Properly insulating your home to a regulation standard not only helps you to heat your home in the winter, cool it down in the summer but also saves you money on your energy bills.  This blog will explore the important factors to consider when considering installing insulation to your home as well as the different […]

Is there any way to avoid the devastating impact of the economic energy crisis?

Over the past few months, the energy crisis and cost of living have been steadily on the increase, with many families struggling to heat their homes, pay their bills and feed their families. As sudden as flicking on a switch, the nation has found fuel poverty becoming a mainstream economic condition and front-page news. The […]

Eco Home Insulation helps to launch a new ‘Cosy Home’ in the centre of Manchester

Late last week Eco Home Insulation, MSV, Councillor Gavin White, Manchester Cities Council Executive Member for Housing and Development and various other contributors attended the launch of MSV’s (Mosscare St Vincent’s) newly refurbished and retrofitted ‘Cosy Home’ on Cadogan Street in Manchester.  The event was set up to reveal the newly refurbished and sustainable home […]

COP26 – Climate change under the microscope

November 2021 saw the 26th annual summit of the ‘Conference of the Parties’ (COP) where the United Nations come together to tackle climate change. In the run up to the COP26 the United Kingdom worked alongside 200 other nations to reach an agreement on the best possible course to tackle the climate change issues. The […]

ECO 3 v ECO 4

The Energy Companies Obligation Scheme can be extremely difficult to understand. The slight variations in eligibility criteria and ever-changing energy landscape makes it hard for even the experts to keep up. So, when it was recently announced that the introduction of ECO4 is bringing about more adjustments, you can be forgiven if you feel slightly […]

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